About Us
Why Translingual?
As written on Wikipedia: "translingual" may mean "existing in multiple languages". Our languages are connected with each other to a greater or lesser extent and learning them is not always a piece of cake, but with a little help and genuine willingness to learn, you can learn not only one, but a few foreign languages. And that’s our goal!
What do we publish?
We create worksheets for your foreign language lessons for all levels and students of all ages. Here, you can find speaking cards, grammar lessons, video-based lesson plans, vocabulary practice worksheets, educational games and many others! Our materials are printable, but they are also a perfect fit for online classes. You don’t have to worry about preparing your lessons or homework, we do it for you. Every worksheet is accompanied by its version with answers. If you are a student focused on self-study you are not missing out on anything - our worksheets are suitable for self-directed learning.
About me!
Learning and teaching languages has been my passion for years. I have used multiple online resources to both study and teach foreign languages. But the biggest challenge I faced was having to be in constant research for visually attractive and creative worksheets which will allow me and my students to use the real language. I needed a place, which could provide me with inventive ESL/EFL, РКИ or Italiano L2 worksheets but I had to use several platforms to be able to find some. Therefore, after months of thinking and preparing, I decided to start Translingual. My dream is to create an educational platform where teachers, students, linguists, researchers, native and non-native speakers can come together and share their ideas.

Darmowy webinar - Jak samodzielnie tworzyć karty obrazkowe?
Czy podczas lekcji, które prowadzisz korzystasz z kart obrazkowych, czyli tak zwanych flashcards? Czy chciał*byś nauczyć się wykonywać je samodzielnie? Wpadnij na webinar, który poprowadzę już w najbliższy poniedziałek, 27 marca o godzinie 19:0...
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Ciao, kolego/koleżanko po fachu!
Szukasz ciekawych sposobów na poprowadzenie zajęć z dziećmi? Nie masz czasu na ciągłe poszukiwanie materiałów? Chcesz się rozwij...
View CourseTeacher training sessions with Ada
Meet me to ask questions about worksheets, teaching methods or ideas for your classes. I have helped teachers gain confidence in the classroom and find the best methods that suit their needs. In my career I have ...
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